Website How to How to Upload File and Stuff Hosting 101

Hosting a website simply means making sure that your website can exist attainable on the Www (WWW). This is usually done in one of two ways. You lot can:

  1. Pay for hosting with a web hosting company, or
  2. Host it yourself at your own server

Nosotros will look into both methods in this article.

ane. How to Host a Site Using a Hosting Provide

5 simple steps to host a website

Hither are the five steps to host a website with a hosting service provider.

  1. Decide which types of website you lot are building
  2. Compare web hosting types
  3. Select web hosting providers and plans
  4. Purchase a domain and web hosting plan
  5. Create or movement your site to the server

Using a service provider is the simplest way of hosting a website. You tin can pay a small monthly fee and rely on the service provider to take care of all your equipment, infrastructure, and other associated needs.


  • Ordinarily cheaper
  • Back up is ofttimes readily bachelor
  • No need for hardware maintenance
  • Higher reliability


  • May be some service restrictions
  • Fewer choices in hosting locations

one. Make up one's mind which type of website you are building

At that place are two main types of websites; static and dynamic.

Uncomplicated static websites tin exist built using a What Yous See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) application then transferred over to the hosting account.

Dynamic sites are mainly application-driven and make use of scripts, databases, and other tools to generate some portions of the site on the fly. WordPress and Joomla are examples of common Content Management System (CMS) apps that are popular today. Others such as Magento and PrestaShop are used for eCommerce websites.

Hostinger Pricing 2022
Your web host selection depends on the type of website y'all are building. A budget spider web host similar Hostinger ($ane.99/mo) would be sufficient for a uncomplicated static website; whereas dynamic sites will require more server resource.

2. Compare Web Hosting Types

What is a web hosting?

A web hosting is a estimator where people store their websites. Retrieve of it as a house where you store all your stuffs; but instead of storing your clothes and furniture, yous store computer files (HTML, documents, images, videos, etc) in a web host.

Much similar at that place are many different categories of cars, website hosting also comes in various flavors. For instance, shared hosting is the cheapest and easiest to manage – they are akin to the compact cars of the world.

Equally the type of spider web hosting scales up, so too does the cost involved and ofttimes the complication of managing the hosting account. For case, in VPS hosting you would demand to manage not just the hosting details merely also environment that information technology is beingness hosted in.

3 types of web host

In a nutshell, the well-nigh common types of hosting are

  • Shared Hosting
  • VPS/Cloud hosting
  • Dedicated Server Hosting

Shared vs Virtual Individual / Cloud vs Dedicated Server Hosting

In terms of functioning and management, each web hosting type also has their ain pros and cons so choose yours accordingly.

Shared Web Hosting
Shared Hosting is often cheap and easy to manage only does not come up with avant-garde controls and is not able to handle high volumes of traffic. You can go shared hosting services from A2 Hosting, Hostinger, GreenGeeks
VPS Web Hosting
VPS / Cloud Hosting is more expensive and very versatile. Users tin install near anything they will need on these accounts and exist able to cope with varying volumes of traffic depending on how much resources are paid for. You can get VPS or Deject hosting services from Digital Ocean, Interserver, InMotion Hosting.
Dedicated Web Hosting
Dedicated Servers are the most complex to manage and cost the near. They are very powerful and can be managed correct downward to the hardware level by administrators. AltusHost, InMotion Hosting, and TMD Hosting provide dedicated hosting services.

What is WordPress Hosting? Or Prestashop / Magento / WooCommerce Hosting?

It's important to know that web applications and web hosting are not the aforementioned matter.

Some web hosts offer plans such as WordPress Hosting, PrestaShop Hosting, WooCommerce Hosting, then on. These are non actually hosting types, just intended to attract laymen who may not be familiar with real web hosting terms. These hosting offers merely entice users with the names of pop web applications.

For example, not many people might know the difference in hosting types, but many volition recognize the term 'WordPress'.

The type of web hosting you will need is typically defined past:

  1. The volume of traffic you look on your website, or
  2. Any specific needs your website might have.

Most websites which are simply starting out volition typically have depression traffic book (i.e. few visitors) and shared hosting accounts will be fine for those. Most shared accounts will also come with application installers (such every bit Softaculous), but to ensure that your needs are met, inquire the host if the application you want can exist installed on the business relationship you're looking at.

3. Choose and Purchase a Web Hosting Plan

Even within hosting types, service providers often have a variety of plans available. The cardinal difference in these plans ofttimes prevarication in the amount of resources that each gets. The more resource your site has, the more visitors it can handle.

When it comes to resources on web hosting, we are typically referring to three cadre items – processor (CPU), memory (RAM), and storage (HDD or SSD). These however do not always interpret to skilful performance of a web host.

In the past there hasn't been an easy mode to approximate the operation of a web host. Near users had to rely on reviews which unfortunately, normally only have snapshots of a host's performance and seldom update that. To get past this, try using HostScore, a site which constantly rates the functioning of spider web hosts based on ongoing data drove. This means that their web host performance assessments are much more accurate.

Also go on a look out for value added features such as complimentary SSL, domain name, advertising credits, an included website builder, or other items which tin can assist yous build or market your site.

A2 Hosting Pricing 2022
Some spider web hosts also offering other advantages on more expensive plans such as special optimizations or enhancements. A skilful example of this are the shared hosting plans on A2 Hosting. The most expensive programme on that series come 20X 'Turbo' speeds.
Hostpapa Welcome Email
Usually right after you purchased a web host, yous will receive a welcome email with details on your login credential and name server. Keep this email in safe – you'll need the data to configure your domain and login to your server control panel. Screenshot showing my welcome email from HostPapa.

After testing and reviewing more than threescore hosting services in the past, I was able to narrow downwards some best hosting options for different use-cases. Cheque them out at:

  • All-time cheap web hosting – monthly toll below $5 per month
  • Best VPS hosting – suitable for users with larger websites or e-commerce
  • Best web hosting with free trials (no credit card required)

4. Purchase Domain

What is a domain name?

Where your spider web hosting is the bodily infinite your website files sit on, y'all demand a domain name and so that users can admission your site. The domain proper name acts like your address on the Www. Like real addresses, each is unique.

Domain name is not something concrete that you lot can touch or run across. It is a string of characters that give your website an identity (yes, a name, like man and businesses). Examples of domain name:,,,, too equally

What is sub domain? What is TLD? What is domain name?
Domain Name explained.

How to ain a domain name?

To own your own domain, you will need to register your domain with a registrar.

Many spider web hosting plans today volition come with a free domain proper noun, and then make sure to check if that is applicable with the web hosting you lot intend to purchase. If so, you can take care of the domain name at the same fourth dimension as when you lot pay for your web hosting plan.

If not, you'll need to buy a domain proper name separately. This can exist done either from the same place that you lot bought the hosting plan or other service provider. If you need to purchase the domain proper name separately, I highly recommend you look elsewhere.

Domain names are not fixed price items and often go on sale. Some providers frequently take cheap sales on domain names and if you're lucky you can pick i upwardly for a steal. Namecheap for case often had domain names on offering at upward to 98% off.

The exception to this is if you are a get-go fourth dimension site owner. In that example, ownership a domain name and hosting from the same service provider might make things easier for you to work with as a beginner.

5. Move / Create Your Website to Server

Free website migration support - example.
Example: To initiate a website transfer at GreenGeeks, login to your user dashboard > My Services > Site Migration Request > Select a Service.

Once your domain proper noun and web hosting plan is set up it's time for migration. Site migration can be complex, and then if you're doing this for the first fourth dimension, ask for help from your new host. Some web hosting companies offer complimentary site migrations.

If you have built your website locally (on your own estimator) then simply transfer our files onto your web server. To practice this you can either make use of the File Managing director in your web hosting control console or brand the transfer using an FTP customer.

The process is like to copying files from 1 identify to another on your own figurer.

How to Host a Site Locally

Hosting a website locally means that you're in essence using your own location to prepare up a web server from scratch. This means that you are responsible for everything from the hardware and software all the style to bandwidth provision and other infrastructure needs.


  • Extreme control over your hosting environment
  • Potential for faster service turnaround times
  • Your choice of equipment and service providers


  • Can exist very expensive
  • Non always possible in residential environments

Hosting a website in a local server is complex and tin can be very expensive. It is also oft less reliable than hosting with a service provider. If yous insist, hither are the three steps to follow:

  1. Select equipment and software to build your server
  2. Ensure sufficient bandwidth
  3. Create and deploy your website to your local server

1. Select Equipment and Software

hosting a website at your own server
Sample of a HP SMB Server (source)

Basic server hardware can exist very similar to the hardware on your own PC with some slight differences. In fact, technically, you could take your ain PC (or even laptop) and plow information technology into a domicile web server if you really wanted to.

The key divergence is in how reliable you want your web server to be and the visitor volume it can handle. As with service providers, you volition need to go on an centre on processor, memory, and storage space.

If y'all opt for high-end server equipment such as rack server, you volition as well need to ensure that the specialized needs of this equipment is met. This includes in infinite, cooling, and power.

If you need the service to be more reliable you will also need to consider redundancy in hardware. For example, running your storage drives in RAID, plus active mirroring of backups onto additional drives.

Your other infrastructure equipment such as routers and modems will as well need to be able to handle high loads of traffic.

For software, aside from your operating system you will need to besides focus on your web server platform (at the moment, Apache and Nginx are the most popular on the market). This also ways that you need to exist responsible for non just configuring the software, just also for licensing.

2. Ensure Sufficient Bandwidth

Internet bandwidth is too vital to running your ain server. In many cases, nearly of us are fine with standard Cyberspace bandwidth since we're using limited connections to the Cyberspace. Imagine if xxx people were trying to utilise your domicile Internet at the aforementioned time – that, and perhaps more, is what you might be looking to back up.

What also needs to exist taken into consideration is your IP address. Near dwelling Cyberspace plans come with dynamic IPs assigned. In order to run a web server, y'all need a static IP. This can either be handled by a service provider such as DynDNS or by buying the service from your Net Service Provider (Internet service provider).

Learn to summate bandwidth you need

3. Develop and Deploy Website

The side by side part is like to the experience of using a web hosting provider, except that you don't get whatsoever support. Your web files need to be moved onto your spider web host in order for your site to get-go performance.

Which Option is Best to Host Your Ain Website?

As y'all can probably tell from the 2 examples here of using a hosting provider or cocky-hosting a website, the latter can quickly get incredibly expensive and circuitous. In reality, it is (believe me, I have done it earlier).

Aside from the satisfaction of having done it, at that place are few real benefits of doing and so unless you are a business that has very specific needs for your site. Some of these might be legal or corporate requirements, for example.

Withal, web hosting service providers today have become very versatile and in many cases are open up to discussing special needs with customers. In the majority of cases though, using a standard hosting program is normally more than enough.

Managing Your Server Resources

Hosting a website – especially if you opt for hosting locally, is never a setup-and-forget task. Server resources management will become more than and more important equally your websites popularity grows. This is particularly true when you lot take multiple websites hosted nether the same server.

Some fourth dimension ago we interviewed Marc Werne, staff member of Linux hosting provider, and asked for his advice on server resources direction. Hither are some of his tips on making your resources last.

1. Choose a lightweight CMS

You may want to use Joomla or Mambo then badly, but if your hosting stroage has less than 500MB, you may desire to reconsider your choice.

WordPress or Drupal, for example, would make a lightweight, flexible culling that will salvage yous MBs of spider web disk and bandwidth. Frequently less is more than and lightweight doesn't equal less functional. Make a chart of your alternatives and cull the CMS that mostly suits your needs and your hosting package.

2. For forum – Utilise miniBB instead of SMF

MiniBB only takes less than two MB against the 10+ MB of SMF, nevertheless it'south a consummate forum solution with a meaty repository of add-ons, extensions and plugins.

Non fond of miniBB?

There are several lightweight alternatives confronting bigger forum scripts. PunBB, FluxBB and AEF to cite a few. Likewise, plan the telescopic of your forum before installing whatever solution: if your goal is to attain thousands to millions of users, an upgrade of your hosting package may be required. If you want to keep the forum staff-only or aimed at a small number of users, by all means use the resources you accept available at your advantage.

3. Use a third-party newsletter provider

Install a newsletter software on your limited spider web hosting account and information technology will start eating up your disk and bandwidth. Unfortunately there is not much to do about it, and the smallest available newsletter script — OpenNewsletter — is still 640Kb and you'll have to count in all the storage issues, too.

In comparison – MailChimp, a complete newsletter solution starting at zippo cost if your target audition is less than 2,000 subscribers and you aim at sending non more than 12,000 emails per month.

All templates tin exist customized so you lot don't demand to host your own, and you can integrate the newsletter with Facebook.

Good alternative to MailChimp is Constant Contact, whose simply limit is given by subscription options – people tin can just signup from your form.

4. Utilise a caching system

The bulk of small-scale concern and personal website owners on a low budget opt for shared hosting packages in order to salvage on investment. Sometimes an upgrade is by all means necessary to increment operation and welcome a wider audition and the traffic information technology generates, but if you can't, yous can save server resource by employing a caching system that doesn't overload your CPU.

WordPress users can install Swift Performance but if y'all don't use WordPress you should try to optimize your website cache with the tools made available by your CMS vendor. For instance, Joomla can count on Cache Cleaner or Jot Cache; while Drupal has several enshroud performance tools equally well.

v. Regularly empty spam content

Get rid of spam in the form of emails, blog comments, pingback URLs and files that overload your servers and database quota.

Exercise it at least once a week to avoid retentivity issues (east.chiliad. WordPress comment deletion just works upwardly to a memory of 64MB, later which you'll get a fatal error and you will take to either increase the allowed memory size in your PHP.INI file or in wp-config.php within your WordPress root).

six. If possible, use external databases

If your host allows remote database linking, by all means use it. External databases assist lighten usage of your web disk quota because they store your content outside of your hosting account. Nevertheless, keep in mind that remote databases tin be quite expensive and a hassle to the end users.

7. Use third-party file hosting services

Host all things downloadable on an external file hosting service, such as Photobucket, Vimeo, YouTube, Giphy, and and so on.

You should not permit your visitors, clients or readers to upload content on your servers if your resources are limited.

8. Regularly download and delete log files

Log files were created to continue yous informed of your website wellness, but in that location's no use of them on the server: if you don't download and remove them at least in one case a week, their size will grow to occupy several megabytes to a GB. This is peculiarly truthful of 2 cPanel logs:

/dwelling house/user/public_html/error_log



The error_log file unremarkably includes dynamic errors such like PHP warnings, database errors (illegal collations, etc.) and spam comments that didn't get through. Cheque this file weekly for errors and warnings, and then remove it.

The /awstats/ folder, on the contrary, contains all access logs and statistics logs for your website. You should disable the AwStats software in your account to avert webspace usage increase equally the program automatically stores its stat files, or if you tin't because of restricted privileges, you should contact your host and enquire to disable all analytics software.

Frequent Asked Questions

What is a web host?

Web hosting is more than than only the space your website sits on. It also encompasses software needs and costs, along with bandwidth and a ton of other micro-needs that demand to be managed. For more details – I explained how a spider web host works in this guide.

Hosting service provider vs cocky-hosting: What are the major differences?

Web hosting service providers accept ready up environments that are dedicated to hosting websites. They are optimized for this purpose and considering they exercise it in majority, they often are able to provide the service much more cheaply than the self-hosting environment.

Do you need a host for a website?

Yes, web hosting is one of the key components necessary for running a website. To learn more – Here'southward a list of best web hosting companies I recommended.

Is domain name a must to run my website?

A domain proper name is the address of your website. Without it, your users will have no way to go to your website unless they know the exact IP address. Larn more about how do domain name works.

Does GoDaddy host websites?

Yes, GoDaddy is a web services provider and one of its products is spider web hosting.

Is shared hosting plenty for my site?

If your website is new, a shared hosting is commonly more plenty. The capacity of a shared hosting differs from host to host. Some web hosts, for example, A2 Hosting, have very strong plans even amidst shared hosting options.

How many types of hosting are there?

In that location are iv main types of spider web hosting are shared, VPS, Cloud, and dedicated hosting. Each offer varying degrees of performance, reliability, and security.

Which type of hosting is best?

"Best" is relative – what's best for my website might not exist correct for yours. Typically if you are new, a shared hosting should be the "best" place to go started. Dedicated servers are most powerful types of hosting but they are nigh expensive as well (hence not recommended for newbies).

Can I use WordPress on my web host?

Most web hosting service providers today allow yous to install a variety of popular web applications. This usually includes WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and a host of others. To be sure the application you lot want tin can be installed information technology is best to cheque with your service provider.

Why is my website slow?

Website speed can depend on many factors. One of these is how well your website is optimized. To learn what is affecting your site functioning, use a tool similar WebPageTest or GT Metrix. Running a test hither volition break downward the details of load times, enabling you to identify lag points in your site'southward loading fourth dimension.

How does hosting a website work?

Hosting a website involves a web server that is designed to serve your website files to visitors over the world wide web. The key components involved are the files of your website, a web server, and a domain name via which your site is accessed.

What is cloud hosting?

Like the name implies, shared hosting accounts 'share' the resource of a unmarried server. In Cloud hosting, multiple servers puddle their resource into a 'Deject' and these resource are then portioned out onto Cloud hosting accounts.

What is managed hosting?

Managed hosting is a type of web hosting where the service provider takes on the responsibleness of maintaining the technical performance of your account. This will usually encompass technical and software updates.

Afterwards your web host is ready

Learn more than:

  • How to create your commencement website (3 piece of cake ways)
  • How to create an online shop
  • How to first blogging with WordPress
  • How to install SSL certificate to your site
  • How to secure your website
  • What affects your website functioning


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